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Private and Personal '私人' 和 '個人'

"Can you tell me the difference between 'personal' and 'private'? Is it correct to say 'a personal matter'?"

Sunnie, Guangzhou


A question from Sunnie in Guangzhou.

In this week's Question and Answer of the Week, we consider the difference between the words 'personal' and 'private'.

Have a look at these sentences and see if you can work it out. Listen to the programme to check whether you are right.

I have to leave work early today. It's a personal matter.


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She's terrified of the paparazzi so she hired her own private bodyguard.

You can borrow this book if you like; it's my own personal copy.

If you have a question about the English language, please email us.

如果大家有英語學習上的問題請隨時給我們來信。我們的郵箱是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.

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