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The Emphatic 'Do' 助動詞do的各種用法




I have a question about the word 'do'. For instance, at the end of your programmes, sometimes, you would probably say: 'I do hope that we have answered your question today.' My question is in which situations should we use the word 'do' before a verb?

Jin Xia

In this edition of Question and Answer of the Week, we look at the use of the verb 'do' to give emphasis.

These three sentences all use 'do' in slightly different ways. Listen to the programme to understand more about this verb!


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Do you want to go out on a date?

I do hope that you got my message in time.

I really can’t help you today, but I do have some spare time tomorrow.

If you have a question about the English language please email us.

如果大家有英語學習上的問題請隨時給我們來信。我們的郵箱是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk.

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