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http://www.enorth.com.cn  2008-02-15 14:29






  Tianjin Transportation Vocational College(TTVC),founded in 1972,is a public higher education institute authorized by Tianjin Municipal Government and registered at China's National Ministry of Education,which offers full-time diploma programs and courses spanning traffic transportation,logistics and auto maintenance.

  The college covers about 73.3 acres with a building area of 120,000 square meters which is divided according to various functions into such sections as teaching building,building for training practice,experts building,library,students' apartment buildings,cafeteria,sports stadium,etc.

  For many years,we have been emphasizing upon self-improvement by putting great amounts of investment academically,financially as well as intellectually.In order to enhance the academic and education level of the college,16 internationally well-known experts and professors have been retained as guest professors of the college.The college offers a wide range of scholarships and other measures to encourage best students to make greater achievements and help students in needy circumstances realize their dreams of self-reliance.Every year,students from 30 provinces and autonomous regions in China are enrolled and about 7,000 students now are studying at the college.Under the leadership,the college now follows such a guideline for development:to strengthen employment-oriented major development;to strengthen ability-oriented development of core courses system;to strengthen working skill development by perfecting bases for training practice;and to strengthen political morality and professional ethics.We believe that"come to learn,learn to acquire,acquire to specialize and specialize to use"should be the key point of the development of the school.

  "Pursuing study to prosper the college,the industry and the country"is our mission,while"to study hard,to self-fulfill and to pursue the truth"is the motto of everyone here.TTVC,fertile land of vitality and hope for young students is training the best for the industry of transportation,while TTVC will also generate a glory in the future.



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