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Language for disagreeing 意見分歧時使用的表達



The team at Tip Top trading is hard at work preparing for the launch and presentation of their latest product – the Imperial Lemon. Tom, Anna and Denise get together to share their ideas – something we call brainstorming. Anna」s ideas are met with some negative comments and she has to learn how to disagree with the other」s viewpoint in a confident but polite manner.

Glossary 詞匯

This week's programme focuses on language to use when you want to disagree with somebody else」s ideas and put forward your viewpoint.

Phrases from the programme: 在本期節目中出現的表達:

Well, I」m not so sure about that…


I see your point but I actually think…



Anna 建議給本月訂 Imperial Lemon 皇家仿真檸檬產品的客戶們多少折扣?



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