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To bridge the gap 縮小差距

A man walks across the OCBC Skyway linking the Supertrees in the nearly completed Gardens By The Bay in Singapore. Photo by Wong Maye-E.



如果有人說 to bridge the gap, 意思就是把兩個完全不同的事情聯系起來,漢語裡的意思是縮小差距。


The Supertrees are giant concrete and metal tree-like installations which stretch 50m into the sky. A 22m high walkway joins the canopies, allowing tourists to take in the green surroundings.




The government will never be able to bridge the gap between the rich and poor.

Grandparents can help to bridge the gap between generations by telling their grandchildren stories about their own childhood.

You'll need to study a lot harder over the summer to bridge the gap between school and university!



英語裡的另一個短語是 cross a bridge when you come to it, 這個短語的意思是車到山前必有路。

The roof of the house may need to be replaced if we have a bad winter, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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