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Crowning glory 至高榮耀


The Queen during on her way to the House of Lords for the State Opening of Parliament. Photo: Leon Neal


如果形容某事是 a tall order 那麼就意味著這是一項非常艱巨的任務。



The State Opening of Parliament is when the Queen delivers a speech outlining the government's plans for the year ahead. Traditions surrounding the ceremony date back to the 16th century.

The State Opening of Parliament 國家議會正式開幕指的是英國女王在議會的演講, 宣讀政府起草的新議會年度立法、施政重點等。這個傳統儀式要追溯到16 世紀。

Zinedine Zidane was a wonderful footballer. His crowning glory was scoring twice when France won the World Cup.

The crowning glory of the Sistine Chapel is its painted ceiling.

There are many interesting places to visit in China, but for most the Great Wall is the crowning glory.


如果某人 glory in something, 那麼意思就是他非常喜歡某件事情或為這件事情感到自豪。

Kate gloried in her success after winning the award. She partied all night and loved the attention.

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