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At full stretch 全力以赴

A flash of lighting is seen in Piraeus, near Athens during a rainstorm. Photo: Elina Liberta/ AP


According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, evidence of skiing dates back thousands of years. Hundreds of ski parts that are 1,000 to 3,500 years old have been found in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. Also, a 4,000-year-old rock carving depicting skis has been found near the Arctic Circle in Norway.



如果你工作的時候 at full stretch, 那意思就是你在全力以赴抓緊時間乾活兒。


The harsh weather conditions caused several accidents early this week and the emergency services were at full stretch.

When the factory works at full stretch it can produce 100 cars a day.


短語 a long stretch 用來談論很長一段時間做同一件事情。這個短語也常用來描述某人在監獄長期服刑。

John drives his Ferrari like a madman. His carelessness might cause an accident and earn him a long stretch in jail.

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