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Stuffed/ Stuff 兩個單詞的用法



The script of this programme 本節目臺詞

Li: Neil, can we get this programme done now? I need to get some stuff for my Sunday roast dinner.

Neil: I am stuffed, totally (burp), sorry, stuffed!

Li: Well, since today's words are stuff and stuffed, I think you will be just perfect to explain them.

Neil: Oh that's easy. I knew I was going to a launch party this lunch time, so I skipped breakfast.

Li: Neil 說為了去中午的自助餐,他的早飯沒吃。That's not good.

Neil: Anyway, I got there and a lovely buffet was set up. The stuff on offer looked great.

Li: Stuff? You mean the food?

Neil: Yes. The word 'stuff' can mean literally anything. It almost has the same meaning as 'things'.

Li: Stuff 可以用來泛指任何東西。Let's hear these people:


We need to clear the lockers. Can you get all your stuff out by 7pm tonight.

The amount of stuff she's got in her bathroom is unbelievable. She's got enough to open a beauty shop.

Woman: What's that stuff on your jacket?

Man: Er, it's pigeon dropping. Yuck.

Li: 剛纔的對話中我們聽到英國人在不同的情況下都可以使用 stuff 這個詞。People say it all the time. 我的什麼東西,你的什麼東西,他的什麼東西。All referring to things.



This man is stuffing himself with food

Neil: Yes. You can also use it as a verb. To stuff something. Like, I ate a lot this lunchtime. I stuffed myself with food.

Li: 吃瞠了就是 stuffed, completely full?

Neil: Yes, I am completely stuffed, I can barely move.

Li: What about stuffed toys? 那些軟塞絨毛玩具 I see them a lot in toyshops. Look at you now; you look just like one of them.

Neil: I can't stand them. They are stuffed full of wool or cotton or something. They are for girls. I much prefer proper wooden toys.

Li: 不喜歡軟的,難道你喜歡木頭做的枕頭嗎?Maybe you'd prefer a wooden pillow too?

Neil: Are you joking! I've got to have a nice and soft pillow. But I must make sure it has the right stuffing in it.

Li: Stuffing 就是塞到枕頭裡的材料。What's the right stuffing?

Neil: Anything but feather or duck down.

Li: Why?

Neil: Allergies.

Li: Neil 說他對鴨絨過敏。

Neil: I can't stand anything stuffed with feathers.

Li: I think we've talked long enough about stuff you eat for lunch, stuff that you liked and stuff that gives you allergies.

Neil: Oh yes, it's time for you to get your stuff ready for Sunday Roast.

Li: Of course. Join us next time. Bye bye!

Neil: Bye!

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