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Go head-to-head 針鋒相對地競爭


Winners of Best Actress and Best Actor awards Meryl Steep and Jean Dujardin celebrate together during the Academy Awards ceremony in Hollywood. Photo by Joe Klamar.


To go head-to-head 意思是兩人之間頭對頭地競爭。



Meryl Streep is the most successful actress of her generation. She has received a record seventeen Academy Award nominations and won three times. This week she picked up an Oscar for her portrayal of the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, surprising many pundits who predicted that Viola Davis would win for her part in The Help.

梅麗爾 · 斯特裡普是當代演員中最成功的女性。她總共收到過打破紀錄的 17 次學院獎提名,其中獲獎三次。 本周她以《鐵娘子》中飾演馬格利特·薩切爾的角色而捧走了奧斯卡女主角獎,這令很多預測人士大為驚訝,他們原以為, 影片《相助》的女主角維奧拉·戴維斯會獲獎的。

They're both amazing swimmers – I can't wait to see them go head-to-head.

There can only be one winner. We'll have to go head-to-head to decide who it is.


還有一個意思類似的短語是 neck-and-neck, 它的意思是在競爭或競賽中不相上下。

At this stage, either of them could win. It's neck-and-neck!

英語中還有很多類似結構的短語,比如 eye-to-eye, face-to-face, cheek-to-cheek, shoulder-to-shoulder 或 back-to-back 不過他們的意思各不相同!

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