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Scream your head off 大聲狂叫


Detail from Edvard Munch」s painting The Scream.


短語 scream one's head off 的意思是長時間的大聲叫。



The painting The Scream is often seen as a symbol of anxiety and panic. On 2 May 2012 it will be sold in an auction in New York and it is thought it could reach up to $80 million (over ¥500 million) . This would make it one of the most expensive paintings ever auctioned.

有人認為《吶喊》這幅油畫展現了現代人焦慮和恐慌的心態。藝術大師愛德華 蒙克的這幅巨作將於2012 5 2 日在紐約的一家拍賣行亮相。據估計這幅畫的成交價可能超過8,000 萬美元 (約5 億人民幣)。如果真如估價所稱,此作品將創下藝術品最高拍賣價格。

In Edvard Munch's painting, the figure is screaming his head off in despair.

When my mother saw the mouse on the kitchen floor, she started screaming her head off!

My friend's baby was screaming his head off in the restaurant. I think he was hungry.


和短語 scream your head off 的使用方法相似,laugh your head off 的意思是長時間的放聲大笑。

I was laughing my head off while watching the film. That actor is so funny.

Lucy likes Paul a lot. She's always laughing her head off when she's with him.

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