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More than meets the eye 超越視覺

A man watches a screen that shows an eye being scanned at the new spy museum in Oberhausen, Germany. Photo: Martin Meissner.



如果說什麼東西是 more to something than meets the eye, 意思就是事情並不象處看到的那樣簡單。


Iris recognition technology is used to identify people by looking at their eyes, as individual eye patterns are complex and unique. The biometric technology is widely used for border control in airports.




I don't like Peter's new girlfriend – she seems sweet but I think there's more to her than meets the eye.

There's more to the manager's report than meets the eye – I think there could be redundancies.

I love Superman. You think he's just a normal guy, but there's much more to him than meets the eye!


注意英語裡還有一個同眼睛這個詞連用的短語 easy on the eye, 這個短語的意思是很好看。

I love David Beckham – he's very easy on the eye.

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