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Head over heels 完全的


A disassembled statue of Marilyn Monroe in Chicago. Photo: Jim Young


Head over heels 這個短語往往被用來形容完全陷入愛情的感覺。



Dozens of onlookers gathered to watch the 26-foot sculpture "Forever Marilyn" being disassembled in Chicago this week. The statue, which depicts a famous scene from the 1955 movie "The Seven Year Itch", will move to California.

數十名旁觀者聚集觀看了雕塑 永遠的 Marilyn』 本周在芝加哥被拆卸。這座雕像將被搬到加州 , 它描述了 1955 年的電影《七年之癢》中的一個經典片段。

I'm head over heels in love with my new boyfriend – he's wonderful.

I think they'll get married soon - he's fallen head over heels for that girl.


如果你對某件事情的態度被形容為 digging your heels, 意思就是你的態度非常堅決,不會妥協。

I said I didn't want to go on a beach holiday, but she dug her heels in about it, so I gave in.

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