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http://www.enorth.com.cn  2006-04-29 08:45

9月20日司法會計兩大考試撞上 防空警報試鳴
教育學會會長吁停評三好 北京市教委稱不會取消
團結 友誼 和平 讓奧運精神在少年兒童心中延續
2008年國家公務員考試熱門職位一覽表 邁過小三這道坎

  Vancouver’s mountainous backdrop and sprawling bay host (2) hundreds of different outdoor activities. Like to ski? Check out Whistler, Vancouver’s famous ski resort. Only 126 kilometers north of the city, the affordable and challenging trails are considered the best skiing in North America. Thousands of tourists from across Canada, the US, Japan, and Europe enjoy the area’s mountains every year. Looking at the winter wonderland around Vancouver, it’s no surprise that the city was chosen to host the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. And the mountains are just as inviting in the warmer months, with hundreds of gorgeous rock climbing and hiking spots.


  Vancouver is also home to many water sports. Get soaked white-water rafting on the wild Nahatlatch River or down Chillwack Canyon. Peacefully paddle your canoe on the region’s many rivers or go sailing in the bay. The ocean water is a bit chilly for a casual swim, but the scuba diving is fantastic. Try the waters off the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island's western coast or in the Queen Charlotte Strait.


  The waters off of Vancouver also offer excellent whale-watching. Killer (orca) whales and Pacific gray whales can be seen in both the spring and the autumn.


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2008天津夏季達沃斯論壇 《今日股市觀察》視頻
北方網網絡相聲頻道在線收聽 2008高考招生簡章 復習衝刺
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