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http://www.enorth.com.cn  2007-09-19 15:22

教育學會會長吁停評三好 北京市教委稱不會取消
團結 友誼 和平 讓奧運精神在少年兒童心中延續
2008年國家公務員考試熱門職位一覽表 邁過小三這道坎



  The bathroom at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport in Minneapolis where US Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, was arrested in a sex sting.[AP]

  When tourists ask for the bathroom in the Minneapolis airport lately, it is usually not because they have to go.

  It is because they want to see the stall made famous by US Senator Larry Craig's arrest in a sex sting.

  "It's become a tourist attraction," said Karen Evans, information specialist at the Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport. "People are taking pictures."

  Craig was arrested on June 11 by a Minneapolis airport police officer. The Idaho Republican pleaded guilty to misdemeanour disorderly conduct.

  Craig has since said his guilty plea was a mistake. His request to withdraw the guilty plea will be heard on September 26, just four days before he has said he will step down from his Senate seat.

  Just 15 minutes into her shift on last Friday, Evans said she had been asked directions to the new tourist attraction four times. Other airport workers field the same question.

  "It's by the Lottery shop, right next to the shoeshine shop," said newsstand worker Abdalla Said, adding he gets the question daily.

  The Royal Zino Shoeshine shop owner's grandson, Royal Zino, said it has been hectic.

  "People have been going inside, taking pictures of the stall, taking pictures outside the bathroom door - man, it's been crazy," he said.

  On their way to Guatemala, Jon and Sally Westby of Minneapolis made a visit.

  "We had to just stop and check out the bathroom," Sally said. "In fact, it's Jon's second time - he was here last week already."



  misdemeanour disorderly conduct:不檢點行為

  guilty plea:認罪

  step down:辭職


稿源:中國日報網站 編輯:趙晶
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