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http://www.enorth.com.cn  2008-01-22 16:49

9月20日司法會計兩大考試撞上 防空警報試鳴
教育學會會長吁停評三好 北京市教委稱不會取消
團結 友誼 和平 讓奧運精神在少年兒童心中延續
2008年國家公務員考試熱門職位一覽表 邁過小三這道坎


  在今年的考試中,Use of English(即完形填空部分)考察了一篇關於人類智能的文章。



  The idea that some ethnic groups may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is prepared to say it anyway. He is that rare bird, a scientist who works independently of any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not previously thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which arouse much controversy when it was first suggested.

  第一段中就以一個But連接了文章手將speak前的dare not與say前的is prepared to構造成鮮明轉折關係,所以考生可以通過But與dare not直接推得答案is prepared to。接着文中又用了一個表示弱轉折含義的actually來引導考生對previously一詞的把握。

  類似independent of之類的詞組中介詞考察的考點在近幾年倒是罕有發生,不過考生可以在94年完型第1題of utmost importance以及98年完型第18題specialists in等題中找到淵源。

  Even he, however, might tremble at the thought of what he is about to do. Together with another two scientists, he is publishing a paper which not only suggests that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. The group in question are Ashkenazi Jews. The process is natural selection.

  本段開篇一個however就形成與上文的轉折,故可直接排除表結果的So與Hence選項,而上文說GC區別於衆多敢想不敢言的人挺身而出(由第一段But可知),所以在第二段再次轉折後,說明GC與衆人仍有共性,故可排除Only一詞,從而選擇Even作爲段首詞。之後,文中一組not only … but …,使suggests賴explains而生。

  Ashkenazim generally do well in IQ tests, scoring 12-15 points above the mean value of 100, and have contributed disproportionately to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the careers of Freud, Einstein and Mahler, pictured above, affirm. They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as Tay-Sachs and breast cancer. These facts, however, have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been put down to social effects, such as a strong tradition of valuing education. The latter was seen as a consequence of genetic isolation. Even now, Ashkenazim tend to marry among themselves. In the past they did so almost exclusively. Dr Cochran, however, suspects that the intelligence and the diseases are intimately linked. His argument is that the unusual history of the Ashkenazim has subjected them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this paradoxical state of affairs.

  末段中以also連接了第一、二句,從而促成了disproportionately與more often than的呼應。之後又以The former與The latter這樣簡單的對應結構促成了put down to與as a consequence of的呼應關係。文末,一個however將GC觀點與之前former、latter對立觀點進行轉折,從而不難推導出linked一詞的選擇,繼而後一句中對GC觀點詳細闡述中paradoxical一詞也就不難從“矛盾統一論”中獲得證明。



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