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“迎奧運 說英語”奧運知識英語學習資料

http://www.enorth.com.cn  2008-04-11 16:39

9月20日司法會計兩大考試撞上 防空警報試鳴
教育學會會長吁停評三好 北京市教委稱不會取消
團結 友誼 和平 讓奧運精神在少年兒童心中延續
2008年國家公務員考試熱門職位一覽表 邁過小三這道坎

  1. In () as President of the International Olympic Committee, China resumed in the legal seat of the International Olympic Committee. A. Samaranch B. Coubertin C. Killanin D. Rogge

  2. Total () countries represented at the historic 1894 International Sports General Assembly.

  A.15 B.16 C.17 D.18

  3. IOC statutory official language is ().

  A. B. French German and English and English Japanese and English D. C. Chinese and English

  4. Former International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch is () people.

  A. United Kingdom B. Germany C. Italy D. Spain

  5. Organize the first time the Olympics is ().

  A.1908, B.1920, C.1924, D.1936 years

  6. "Sports Homecoming", the author is ().

  A. Negro more special B. C. Klass D. Coubertin CEPAS

  7. Organized the first Asian city Summer Olympic Games is ().

  A. C. Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, B. D. Beijing

  8. History of the modern Olympics by the first set of commemorative stamps () issue, a total of 12.

  A. France B. Greece D. C. United Kingdom United States

  9. () Is the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games sponsors.

  A. China National Petroleum Corporation B. Shell ExxonMobil D. C. Total company

  10.1992, the Barcelona Olympic Games is the average price of the ticket ().

  A.10 dollars B.15 dollars C.20 dollars D.30 dollars

  11. From the International Olympic Committee () will be single-session Olympics TV rights to the more "bundled" sale.

  A.1992, B.1995, C.1998, D.2000 years

  12. () Is the first ancient Olympic Games in the sport.

  Sprint long-distance race A. B. C. D. basketball pole vault

  13. Date, the player with a cumulative maximum access to the Summer Olympic Games gold medal for () pieces.

  A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9

  14. Olympic Games were first tested positive doping athletes nationality is ().

  A. United States B. former Soviet Union C. Denmark D. Japan

  15. "Costumes dance steps" Yes () event.

  A. artistic gymnastics B. International Ballroom C. equestrian D. Synchronized Swimming

  16. First proposed the restoration of the Olympic Games is ().

  A. Coubertin B. LAB Cimuci C. Baiera Tours D. Youangelishizabashi

  17. First modern Olympic Games in Europe and the Americas held from the time ().

  A.1952, B.1956, C.1960, D.1964 years

  18. Longest distance track and field competitions in the track project is ().

  Marathon race A. B. C. decathlon D. Triathlon

  19. History of the first modern Olympic champion Indira African woman plans to tell the Yes () people.

  Kenya A. B. C. Ethiopia D. Cameroon, South Africa

  20.1964 Olympics Women's Volleyball Champions Yes () team.

  A. Cuba, the United States C. China D. B. Japan

  21. In the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Xu Haifeng () Competition in China's Olympic gold medal achieve zero breakthrough.

  A. pistol 60 of the men shot B. slow man shot rifle 60 of the slow men pistol 30 of the C. D. rapid-fire pistol 30 of the men shot slow

  22. In the summer won the gold medal at the Olympic Games, "the first number" is the most frequent ().

  A. Germany, the former Soviet Union B. D. C. United Kingdom United States

  23. Women's weightlifting in () began to be classified as an official event.

  A.1988 Olympics B.1992 Olympics C.1996 Olympics D.2000 Olympics

  24. Olympic fencing project with () a sword of the game.

  A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5

  25. Beijing Olympic Games table tennis competition will produce () gold medals.

  A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7

  26. Badminton Movement () is classified as Olympic sports.

  A.1988 Olympics B.1992 Olympics C.1996 Olympics D.2000 Olympics

  27. Chinese delegation at the Olympics in Athens () gold medal.

  A.15 - B.28 - C.32 - D.33 -

  28. From the International Olympic Committee () started doping tests.

  A.1964 Olympics B.1968 Olympics C.1972 Olympics D.1976 Olympics

  29. Professional basketball players from the United States () were allowed to enter the Olympic Games.

  A.1988 Olympics B.1992 Olympics C.1996 Olympics D.2000 Olympics

  30. Olympic spirit is ().

  A. faster, higher and stronger B. It is important to participate in C. mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair treatment D. spirit of peace, brotherhood, solidarity

  31. () Is the All-recently launched a national trade union organization Ying-Olympic activities.

  A. workers dance aerobics display contest B. National Sports advanced workers will exchange model between the workers C. National Playwriting Competition D. parade of hundreds of millions of workers nationwide Ying-taking activities Olympic Jianbu

  32. "It is important to participate in the" Yes () on the start.

  A.1896 Olympics B.1900 Olympics C.1904 Olympics D.1908 Olympic Games.

  33. Beijing Olympics preparations recruitment () volunteers.

  A.1 million B.2 million C.5 million D.10 million

  34. China is the current Olympic Committee President ().

  A. Liu Peng, Yuan Weimin C. D. B. Wei Jizhong He Zhenliang

  35. Date, China in the modern Summer Olympic Games were obtained () gold medal.

  A.112 - B.113 - C.114 pieces D.115 pieces

  36. Beijing Olympics made () three concepts.

  A. Poly condensate wisdom of the people the soul of the people Kevin B. Green Olympics Humanistic Olympics tech Olympics C. efficiency unique high D. Welcomes the Olympics stresses civilization and fostering new practices

  37. Chinese players () in the same session at the Olympic Games in three payments alone.

  A. B.熊倪C. Deng Yaping Wang Yifu D. Li Ning

  38. Won the Olympic gold medal for China the largest number of sports teams is ().

  A. diving team track and field teams B. D. C. weightlifting team shooting team

  39. () China won its first Winter Games medal.

  Xu Haifeng Yang Yang A. B. C. D. Ye Wang Meng Tshopo

  40. In the first modern Olympic Games () won the gold medal of the first.

  A. United States B. C. Russia D. British Greece

  41. Beginning of the establishment of the International Olympic Committee headquarters is located in ().

  A. Lausanne B. D. London, Athens, Paris C.

  42. () Is the first Olympic gold medal was the Chinese.

  Jiang Xiaoyu, A. B. C. Wanli D. He Zhenliang Deng Yaping

  43. () Occurred during the Olympic Games host cities of the explosion.

  A. the 28th Athens B. the 27th Sydney C. Article 26 session Atlanta Barcelona D. Article 25 session

  44. Korea, the Republic of Korea () at the opening ceremony of the Olympic team up common admission.

  A. Section 28 B. 27 C. 26 D. 25

  45.1972, during the Olympic Games () athletes attacks by extremists.

  A. Japan B. C. Britain D. Israel Iraq

  46. () In the two periods of the old and new China as a member of the International Olympic Committee.

  A. Zhang Boling B.王正廷C. Kong Xiangxi D.董守義

  47. () Is the new China in restoring the legitimate rights of Olympic participation in the first session after the Olympics.

  A.1980 Games B.1980 the Summer Games C.1984 Games D.1984 in Summer Games

  48. () Is China's first Olympic Games gold medal for three people.

  Fu Mingxia A. Deng Yaping B. D. C. Wang Nan Zhang Yining

  49.2008 Beijing Olympic Games sailing competition in the ().

  A. Qingdao B. C. Xi'an Xiamen, Changsha D.

  50.2008 Beijing Olympic Games has set up a () - Xiao Xiang.

  A.298 B.300 C.301 D.302

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